News Service


Fighting anti-Muslim racism: an interview with A. Sivanandan

IRR News spoke to one of the foremost analysts of racism and Black struggle as to how to meet the contemporary challenge of anti-Muslim racism. Should we look at Islamophobia and anti-Muslim racism today as something new and apart, or as a continuation of the racism we have known in the UK? A. Sivanandan: Every

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Gaza Protesters Defence Campaign launched

A defence campaign is being mounted against the lengthy sentences handed to young Muslims who protested a year ago about Israel’s brutal invasion of Gaza. Twenty-two young people are in prison, convicted of public order offences, as a result of taking part in demonstrations in London in December 2008 and January 2009 following the Israeli

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Protests follow deaths in Glasgow

Campaigners are calling for a public inquiry following the deaths of three asylum seekers at the weekend in Glasgow. On Sunday morning, 7 March 2010, the bodies of three Russian asylum seekers were found below a block of flats in Glasgow, all three apparently having taken their own lives by jumping from the fifteenth floor.

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All men are created equal?

Below we reproduce a story based on real events, written during the second world war by a serving US chaplain*, about the repercussions of racial segregation, an issue so sensitive, the story never saw the light of day – till now. According to the author, this story was written ‘on a rainy weekend in the

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£280,000 raised for families of Morecambe Bay victims

The Morecambe Bay Victims Fund recently celebrated the success of its sponsored walk, which raised £280,000 for families of the Morecambe Bay victims. The sixty-mile walk, which took the group from Liverpool to Morecambe Bay over the course of two days in February, was organised by Sir David Tang and his family. Other walkers included

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Segregation policy for foreign national prisoners condemned

The policy of concentrating foreign national prisoners in a small number of prisons, away from home prisoners and from their families, implemented in the early summer of 2009 (read an IRR News story: ‘Segregating foreign national prisoners’), was conducted without regard to its impact on race equality or the provision of legal advice to those

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Germany: freedom to speak on racism under threat

In Germany, an anti-racist academic faces prosecution for questioning whether court negligence could have been a contributory factor in the case of Marwa al-Sherbini, who was stabbed to death in a Dresden courtroom in July 2009. Some of Germany’s foremost academics, journalists, peace campaigners, trades unionists and politicians have formed the Action Group Against Racism

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Notes on the new Conservative Traveller policy

Four leading campaigners on Gypsies and Travellers respond to the recently published Tory policy on Traveller accommodation. On 12 February 2010 the Conservatives launched their new policies on Gypsy and Traveller accommodation: ‘Conservatives pledge to tackle trespass’. It seeks to: 1. Create a new criminal offence of intentional trespass, as already in place in the

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Five years of control orders

Frances Webber, human rights lawyer, examines Lord Carliles’ report on five years operation of the Prevention of Terrorism Act. Next month sees the fifth anniversary of the control order regime, introduced in haste in March 2005 after the strategy of internment, which applied only to foreign terror suspects, was declared unlawful and discriminatory. Now, control

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Book now for places on IRR’s training workshops

The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) is running a series of training workshops during March, April and May for voluntary sector organisations working on race/refugee or migrant issues. The free half-day practical workshops on fundraising, the media, immigration and racial violence will allow for the exchange of information and provide practical suggestions for effective campaigning.

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