News Service


Ninety deaths since the murder of Stephen Lawrence

Today sees the eighteenth anniversary of the murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993. Stephen was murdered in a racially motivated attack in which his friend Duwayne Brooks was also injured. Stephen’s death came at a time when a number of young people had met their death on the streets of the UK in areas that

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Understanding the European-wide assault on multiculturalism

In singling out multiculturalism as a threat to national identity, the leaders of Europe’s centre-right parties are using the same kind of rhetoric and specious arguments as Enoch Powell did forty years ago. The leaders of mainstream political parties across Europe are, one after the other, announcing the death of multiculturalism in their countries. They

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Press Release

The attacks on multiculturalism are linked to the economic crisis

The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) publishes today Understanding the European-wide assault on multiculturalism – a detailed analysis by Executive Director, Liz Fekete, of key speeches made over the past six months by leading centre-right politicians from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom. These speeches attack multiculturalism and immigration

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Linking racial violence to media coverage

Negative media coverage of BME issues leads, according to ongoing research by the Institute of Race Relations, to racial attacks. When the Channel 4 Dispatches documentary team broadcast ‘Lessons in Hate and Violence’ earlier this year, the programme provoked furore. The documentary used footage taken from two years of covert recordings in various Islamic schools

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New immigration rules cause alarm

Domestic violence victims will be forced to stay with violent partners, lawyers say. As from 21 April, people who came to Britain to join British or settled migrant partners and seek settlement with them after the two-year probationary period, or have been forced to leave them through domestic violence, must have a clean criminal record

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Learn the language – how?

David Cameron blames immigrants for not learning the language at the same time as the government launches devastating cuts to English language learning provision for migrants and refugees. In his speech to Conservative party members in Hampshire, Cameron highlighted the important role that the English language plays in good integration through binding ‘real communities’ together

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Race against educational proposals

This special issue of Race Equality Teaching (RET), an equality impact assessment of the Con-Dem government’s educational programme, unpicks exactly what is in store for the nation. On the one hand is the 2010 white paper entitled The Importance of Teaching and the education bill, on the other hand is Theresa May’s supposed commitment to

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Captive phone market at Tinsley House

Detainees at Tinsley House, near Gatwick, are having their mobile phones confiscated on arrival, and are being forced to rely on a network which allows monitoring – and costs them more for essential calls. Immigration detainees are highly dependent on their mobile phones for contact with the outside world, including their legal representatives, family members

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The IRR responds to Searchlight’s ‘Fear and HOPE’ report

The IRR publishes today two responses to the report ‘Fear and HOPE: the new politics of identity’ by Searchlight Educational Trust (prominently fronted by David Miliband, MP in the Guardian on 28 February). The report drew heavily on an opinion poll. IRR researcher, Jon Burnett, exposes the methodological weaknesses in such an approach. IRR director,

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Fallacies and policies: the ‘Fear and HOPE’ report

The director of the IRR takes issue with fundamental positions on racism and nationalism in Searchlight Educational Trust’s recent report. We don’t have classes in ‘modern British society’. We have ‘tribes’. ‘Identity tribes’. Reflecting ‘a new politics of identity, culture and nation’, itself a product of ‘the politics of race and immigration’, and today ‘the

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