News Service

Fortnightly Bulletin

International students: pawns in the migration game

IRR News 22 November – 08 December 2022 Dear IRR News Subscriber, Recently the Guardian reported on Nepali student Sulav Khadka, interrogated and detained for twelve days on arrival in the UK to take up his scholarship at York University. This exposé of an immigration injustice that left a student in limbo and thousands of pounds

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Manston: state violence in a no-access border zone

  The Manston camp has been emptied following the death of a man who was detained there. But this will not put an end to the humanitarian crisis facing newly arrived migrants and refugees, which is caused by policies of criminalisation and deterrence. Since February, an isolated former RAF base near the village of Manston,

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (8 – 22 November 2022)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Find these stories and all others since 2014 on our searchable database, the Register of Racism and Resistance. ASYLUM | MIGRATION | BORDERS | CITIZENSHIP Asylum and migrant rights 8 November: Spanish interior minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska is accused

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Fortnightly Bulletin

State violence in a no-access border zone

Exactly a year ago, a dinghy with 34 people on board sank in the English Channel. There were two survivors. In the three hours it took for the boat to sink, as distress messages flooded in from those on board, French and British coastguards debated whose responsibility it was to rescue them. No help came,

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Fortnightly Bulletin

Manston and beyond – violence by design

IRR News 26 October – 9 November 2022 The ‘hostile environment in asylum and immigration policy is an environment that fosters racism, everyday cruelty and violence by design’. So concluded the jury at the London Session of the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal on Violations of the Rights of Migrants and Refugees in June 2019. Fast-forward to

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (26 October – 8 November 2022)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Find these stories and all others since 2014 on our searchable database, the Register of Racism and Resistance. ASYLUM | MIGRATION | BORDERS | CITIZENSHIP Asylum and migrant rights 25 October: The High Court orders the Home Office

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Press Release

Transnational repression

  The latest issue of Race & Class traces transnational connections: the repression of Black Power in Britain and the Caribbean; the offshoring of refugees from Denmark to Rwanda; and culture wars travelling from the US to the UK. In the cover article in the latest issue, post-doctoral researcher Ben Gowland exposes the British state’s

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Fortnightly Bulletin

The Home Office is expanding migrant surveillance

IRR News 11 – 26 October 2022 Dear IRR News Subscriber, This week IRR News takes aim at the creeping, largely unnoticed expansion of electronic surveillance in immigration control – whether it takes the form of ankle tags as a condition of immigration bail, or unreliable and racially discriminatory facial recognition technology. In From GPS tagging

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (11 – 26 October 2022)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Find these stories and all others since 2014 on our searchable database, the Register of Racism and Resistance. ASYLUM | MIGRATION | BORDERS | CITIZENSHIP Asylum and migrant rights 14 October: The High Court criticises a ‘failure of

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From GPS tagging to facial recognition watches: expanding the surveillance of migrants in the UK

  Written by Lucie Audibert (Lawyer and Legal Officer, Privacy International) & Monish Bhatia (Lecturer in Criminology, Birkbeck, University of London) Through its use of GPS tags and smartwatches in immigration enforcement, the UK is extending the reach of surveillance and control of migrants to frightening levels. In early August, we learned that the Ministry

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