Manchester Castaways campaign

Manchester Castaways campaign


Written by: Terese Jonsson

The Manchester Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers (MCDAS) and Women Asylum Seekers Together (WAST) have launched the Manchester Castaways campaign, calling for a new family amnesty for asylum seekers.

The Castaways campaign believes that it is unacceptable that children from asylum-seeking families do not have the same protection of the right to be safe as other children. Even though many children in asylum-seeking families have lived in the UK most of or even their entire lives, they live with uncertainty and fear, knowing they may be forced to leave the UK at any time. The Manchester campaign follows the lead of the Bury Castaways campaign, which was launched last year and now has the support of David Chaytor, MP for Bury.

The Manchester Castaways campaign is asking people to sign up to its statement in support of a family amnesty. Once the group has gathered enough signatures, they will be taken to their local MPs to encourage them to work with David Chaytor.

Related links

Download the Castaways campaign statement (pdf file, 128kb)

National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns

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