IRR News 9-14 June 2012

IRR News 9-14 June 2012

Written by: admin

Dear IRR News subscriber,

This week, the IRR publishes a major new report that documents far-right violence across Europe and Saqib Deshmukh examines the policing of a demonstration by the EDL in Leicester in February 2012. Frances Webber assesses Theresa May’s new immigration proposals and the deportation of Sri Lankan asylum seekers in defiance of human rights concerns.

And in news from across the UK the inquest has begun into the death of Sean Rigg who died in police custody in Brixton police station in August 2008 and vigils are being held across country on Sunday 17 June, Father’s Day, to remember those who have died in custody.

An unknown number of asylum seeking children have been deported to France under a ‘gentleman’s agreement’ and police officers in Northern Ireland have been disciplined after wrongly arresting a couple who they suspected of a ‘sham’ marriage.

Harmit Athwal

Editor, IRR News

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