IRR News 8-14 November 2013

IRR News 8-14 November 2013

Written by: admin

Dear IRR News subscriber,

This week, we report on a session at the 2013 Historical Materialism conference that was devoted to the work of A. Sivanandan and ongoing work of the IRR; read Avery Gordon’s interview with A. Sivanandan here and read Colin Prescod’s speech here.

In news from across the UK, the inquest into the death of Mark Duggan has been told how neither his DNA nor fingerprints were found on the gun he was alleged to have been carrying on the day he was shot twice by armed police officers in August 2011. Five Luton police officers and two other police staff have been suspended from duty following the death of Leon Briggs in police custody on 4 November.

And you might have missed this article from Ireland on the racist harassment of the Roma family whose 7-year-old child was taken into care after allegations were made about her parentage.

Harmit Athwal

Editor, IRR News

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