IRR News (30 September – 13 October 2016)

IRR News (30 September – 13 October 2016)

Written by: admin

Dear IRR News subscriber,

As the Tory party develops its plans, post EU-referendum, to strengthen border controls and dismantle the rights of migrants, the IRR’s journal Race & Class examines the broader implications in two timely pieces. Liz Fekete’s analysis, to be published in January 2017, of the interplay between nationalism and neoliberal forces across Europe has been made available in advance online (subscribers only). And Joschka Fröschner speculates as to how German development aid has become drawn into the securitisation of borders and control of peoples internationally. The October 2016 issue of Race & Class is available here.

In contrast to the rhetoric and policy initiatives trumpeted at the party conferences, a new inclusive citizens’ initiative has been announced. ‘The Great British Boycott: A Day Without Us‘ will take place on 20 February 2017 – the UN World Day of Social Justice. Inspired by days of action in the US and Italy, the initiative calls on all of us, whether British or non-British, to come together, to absent ourselves from normal activities in a national boycott to protest against racism and xenophobia. IRR News will bring you updates of this important new initiative in the weeks and months to come.

Our regular calendar of racism and resistance, published here, is a fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns.

IRR News team

The Institute of Race Relations is precluded from expressing a corporate view: any opinions expressed are therefore those of the authors.