IRR News 30 March – 5 April 2012

IRR News 30 March – 5 April 2012

Written by: admin

Dear IRR News subscriber,

We hope you are getting used to the new look weekly email.

This week, we have a special report from Peter Hervig on the recent gathering of Defence League’s in Aarhus: ‘European anti-Islam demonstration flops in Denmark‘. And in news from the UK, in Glasgow the evictions of asylum seekers have begun and Frances Webber writes on ‘X-rays, surveillance and secret justice‘. Racism in the Met police is also back on the agenda, with a number of allegations this week involving alleged racist abuse and assault, in one case, a man recorded an incident on his phone, in another  a PC was put on restricted duties after further allegations of assault and then we had the Met Commissioner, Bernard Hogan-Howe appeal for his officers to report racist incidents.

Two reviews also highlight new publications, Chris Searle finds ‘Incendiary black working-class heroes‘ in a new pamphlet and Nicky Road examines a resource written by Gypsy and Traveller children, A Kushtie Place to Live – don’t judge us until you know us.

Please do let us know what you think of the new look or if you experience any problems accessing articles.


Editor, IRR News

P.S. Again, apologies if you have received duplicate emails – we are still experiencing a few technical difficulties.

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