IRR News 25-31 May 2012

IRR News 25-31 May 2012

Written by: admin

Dear IRR News subscriber,

This week Jon Burnett asks if ‘police racism is enshrined in practice?‘ and Joanna Tegnerowicz reports from Poland on how the public prosecutor has dropped its investigation in the police shooting of Maxwell Itoya a Nigerian street vendor.

In news from across the UK, Sol Campbell has warned football fans from attending Euro 2012 in Ukraine ‘because you could end up coming home in a coffin’. In news on asylum issues, an inquest jury has recorded a highly critical verdict into the death of Muhammad Shukat who died of a heart attack at Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centre in July 2011. And G4S and its subcontractor, UPM, are under fire after moving an asylum seeking mother and her 12-week old baby to a flat in Doncaster which is ‘not suitable in its present state for mothers and babies’.

Harmit Athwal

Editor, IRR News

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