IRR News 18 December 2015 – 14 January 2016

IRR News 18 December 2015 – 14 January 2016

Written by: admin

Dear IRR News subscriber,

The military-style policing that has emerged in poor multicultural neighbourhoods of Europe, stigmatised in the press as strongholds of Islamist terrorism and organised crime, is the focus of a major feature on IRR News. In this review of policing developments and media reporting since the terrorist attacks in Paris of 13 November, Liz Fekete draws attention to the threat to accountable democratic policing posed by the state of emergency in France and proposals in the UK on reorganising anti-terror policing and the use of lethal force by police officers.

Our fortnightly calendar of racism and resistance, a resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlights key events in the UK and Europe since Christmas 2015. And our 2015 calendar of racism and resistance covering the whole of 2015 is a useful snapshot of racism across the UK and Europe.

A Race & Class article which is due to be published in March 2016 by the IRR’s Liz Fekete, ‘Hungary: power, punishment and the ‘Christian-national idea’, has now been made available online. The article can be downloaded (for $30; free to individual and institutional subscribers) here.

And finally, the IRR has some rare and out of print publications for sale. Please see here for full details.

IRR News team

The Institute of Race Relations is precluded from expressing a corporate view: any opinions expressed are therefore those of the authors.