IRR News 18 April – 24 April 2014

IRR News 18 April – 24 April 2014

Written by: admin

Dear IRR News subscriber,

In the same week that UKIP has been condemned for its poster campaign decrying ‘foreign labour’ and calling on voters to ‘take back control of our country’, John Grayson examines the way the party’s messages have been legitimised and in some cases promoted by the media. Also, Liz Fekete reviews a report on the extent of Golden Dawn’s penetration of the Greek state.

Twenty-one years ago this week, Stephen Lawrence was murdered in a racist attack in London; and this week also marks the death of anti-racist campaigner Blair Peach, killed by a Special Patrol Group police officer in 1979. Read our collated lists of deaths with a known or suspected racial element here and here. And also read articles from IRR News on the political legacy of Blair Peach as well as a personal reflection on his life by a friend and former colleague.

In news from across the UK, a Polish man has told the trial of two men charged with racially aggravated assault in Exeter that he thought he was going to drown after being assaulted, thrown into river and pelted with bottles. And according to the Public Accounts Committee, asylum seekers have been left in ‘unacceptably poor’ accommodation in properties maintained by G4S, Serco and Clearel.

Jon Burnett

Assistant Editor, IRR News

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