IRR News 17 – 30 October 2014

IRR News 17 – 30 October 2014

Written by: admin

Dear IRR News subscriber,

In a week in which Foreign Office ministers implied that preventing migrant deaths in the Mediterranean Sea was not in the British interest, and a Conservative councillor in Maidenhead joked that the way to speed up Traveller evictions would be to ‘execute them’, Frances Webber provides a staunch defence of the universal values embodied in the European Convention of Human Rights. Muslim terror suspects (like Travellers and immigrants) are the Eurosceptics’ first target for exclusion from legal protection under a bowdlerised British Bill of Rights.

And Ryan Erfani-Ghettani, in his review of the media’s intense search for ISIS-supporting Muslim ‘traitors’, shows us exactly where a nativist approach to human rights leads. We also highlight the fact that next week sees the beginning of the trial of three G4S officers on charges of the manslaughter of Jimmy Mubenga, during a deportation in 2010.

In an exclusive interview with IRR News, Lord Ouseley, founder of Kick it Out, discusses anti-racism in football and the extent to which accountability is undermined by the way the game looks after its ‘assets’.

In news from Europe, our friends in Germany, NSU Watch, have produced a three-minute video (in English) which explains the background to the NSU case. And our fortnightly ‘calendar’, a resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlights key events in the UK and Europe.

Finally, the IRR’s journal Race & Class is hosting a meeting on 27 November on: ‘The business of immigration enforcement: the role of the voluntary sector’, with Imogen Tyler and Frances Webber. You can book a place by emailing:

IRR News team

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