IRR News (14 – 27 October 2016)

IRR News (14 – 27 October 2016)

Written by: admin

Dear IRR News subscriber,

This week, we turn our attention to the question of right-wing populism and neo-Nazi terrorism in Germany. Liz Fekete, who has been working with NSU-Watch, reports on the latest shocking developments in the case of a National Socialist Underground, a terror network which are now linked to child murder and paedophilia. And the threat posed by the electoral successes of Alternative for Germany and the street activities of Pegida are assessed by Ulli Jentsch, a spokesperson for Apabiz, an anti-fascist documentation centre in Berlin.

If you are in London at the weekend, you might be interested in attending the eighteenth annual United Families and Friends remembrance procession taking place on Saturday to remember those that have died in police, prison, psychiatric custody and immigration detention.

Our regular calendar of racism and resistance, published here, is a fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns.

IRR News team

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