IRR News 11 – 25 February 2016

IRR News 11 – 25 February 2016

Written by: admin

Dear IRR News subscriber,

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court ruled that the legal doctrine of joint enterprise had been wrongly interpreted for thirty years: a decision that campaigners Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association (JENGbA) say could be a ‘major turning point in British justice’. And this week on IRR News, Patrick Williams and Becky Clarke reflect on their recent ground-breaking report Dangerous Associations, on joint enterprise, gangs and racism. As they explain, this research highlights the processes which ‘contribute to the collective punishment of young Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) people to lengthy custodial sentences for offences that they did not commit’.

We also publish a panoramic investigation by John Grayson, examining the impacts of the increased privatisation and outsourcing of asylum and migration ‘reception’ policies in Northern Europe.

We were sad to hear that on 14 February, 87-year-old Lord Avebury, formerly Eric Lubbock MP, passed away. He had a long history campaigning for the rights of minorities both here and abroad. In the UK he was best known for his fights for asylum seekers and refugees and Gypsy and Traveller rights. You can read about Lord Avebury here.

Finally, our regular calendar of racism, resistance and social justice, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe, can be viewed here.

IRR News team

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