Coalition against deportations to Iraq

Coalition against deportations to Iraq

Written by: Dashty Jamal

On 11 January 2006, a coalition was formed to stop forced deportations of Iraqi and Kurdish asylum seekers to Iraq.

The group included the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees, Green Party, National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns, Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers, Campaign Against Criminalising Communities, Organisation of Kurdish Women-Britain and the Campaign to Stop Deportation of Children.

At the meeting in the House of Commons, an Iraqi refugee spoke about the war and present situation, describing the instability, kidnapping, suicide bombing, oppression and disrespect for human rights. Others talked about the cruelty of asylum laws and their effect on asylum seekers, especially the immense pressure put on them by removing support and ‘forcing’ them to sign up for ‘voluntary return’, via the International Organisation for Migration.

Related links

IRR interview with: Karzan Sherabayani, a Kurdish actor and filmmaker

National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns

Barbed Wire Britain

Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers

Campaign Against Criminalising Communities

For further information contact: Dashty Jamal on 07734 704 742 or email:; Sarah Parker on 020 8809 0633 or email:; Manchester - Burhan Fatah on 07866 757 213 or 0161 234 2784 or email:; Nottingham - Jasim Ghafur on 07739 338 178 or email:

The Institute of Race Relations is precluded from expressing a corporate view: any opinions expressed are therefore those of the authors.

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