Race & Class is published in print and online quarterly, in January, April, July and October, by Sage Publications for the Institute of Race Relations; individual subscriptions are £34/$63, for four issues.
Race & Class is a peer-reviewed, ISI-ranked publication. Its global outlook and its multidisciplinary approach have made it prominent in a number of fields. Impact Factor: 0.646, Ranked: 46 out of 83 in Anthropology; 7 out of 15 in Ethnic Studies; 28 out of 41 in Social Issues; 52 out of 95 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary; and 89 out of 142 in Sociology.
Notes for contributors to Race & Class
Manuscripts should be e-mailed to: raceandclass@irr.org.uk. Formatting should be kept to the minimum. Articles should be between 5,000- 8,000 words; commentary pieces between 2,000- 4,000. Please include a brief, two- or three-line author description, an abstract and a list of keywords.
Style points
- Race & Class uses minimal capitalisation – e.g. for the first word of a heading, title of an article; lower case for terms like prime minister, mayor, etc.; ‘black’ is normally lower case, however author’s preference will be followed. Exceptions are ‘Third World’ and ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ as political entities.
- Use British spelling, not US, except where necessary in quotations. Use -ise form, not -ize.
- US, not U.S.; Mr not Mr.; but Arthur A. Jones, not Arthur A Jones.
- Numbers one to a hundred should be spelt out, otherwise given in figures, except for ages, percentages and statistical material. Use per cent (two words) not %.
For short quotes, use single quotation marks, except for quotes within quotes, for which use double quotation marks. Punctuation should normally follow quotation marks, except when the quotation itself forms a complete sentence. Quotes of more than three or four lines will normally be indented. Use square brackets [ ] to indicate matter inserted into a quotation, and a space followed by three stops and a space to indicate matter omitted. Please indicate where emphasis is added in any quotation.
Notes and references should be placed at the end of an article, indicated by continuous numbering throughout the text and supplied in a separate file. Reference numbers should be placed after punctuation, except when the reference falls within a bracket. Please note, the author-date or Harvard system is not used. References do not need to be made to every point, though direct quotes and controversial points should be referenced. Separate bibliographies containing material not directly referenced in the text are not normally included.
Please format as follows:
For a book: A. Jones, The Thusness of Thus: an examination (Place, Publisher, Year), pp. 21-9.
For a journal: A. Jones, ‘The thusness of thus: an examination’, Journal Title (Vol., no., year), pp. 21-9.
Please note, for a book title only the main title, not subtitle, has initial caps; for a journal article, only the first word of the title has initial cap. Use ibid. and op. cit. where appropriate, but not italicised.
We acknowledge submissions on receipt and try to conclude our review process within six months. The minimum time between receipt of an article and its print publication is estimated at nine months; however there is a facility to publish online first.
Before publication, all contributors have to sign a copyright form with our publisher Sage. If we are to include any images or photos in an article, the author would also be expected to provide evidence of having cleared copyright for both print and online versions.