Campaign to reduce risk of prostate cancer in Black men

Campaign to reduce risk of prostate cancer in Black men

Written by: Fizza Qureshi

Macmillan Cancer Relief aims to provide information to target prostate cancer awareness within the Black male community. A new Toolkit for health and social care professionals is intended to implement cultural sensitivity and encourage more Black men to seek help.

A new manual has been launched by the cancer charity to combat the high prevalence of prostate cancer within the Black male community. Although data has been scarce within the UK to assess the number of men affected or at risk of being affected, the data indicates that Black men are three times more likely to be at risk of developing prostate cancer than their White counterparts.

Melanie Lee, Black and Minority Ethnic Information Programme Manager, says that African-Caribbean and African men seem to be reluctant to approach the appropriate services to gain help for fear of embarrassment. Professionals within the health and social departments were also aware that guidance was needed on issues, which may or may not be deemed sensitive to African-Caribbean and African men. Macmillan’s Black and Minority Ethnic Information Programme has collaborated with charities and African support groups to help create the Toolkit required to provide a culturally sensitive and aware health environment for men at risk of prostate cancer.

It is hoped that toolkits and information such as this can form the basis for future culturally sensitive health initiatives. One important factor will be consistent collation of data to monitor patients accessing the health services. This initiative will enable the health experts in the UK to judge the prevalence of diseases within specific communities rather than rely on US data.

Related links

Macmillan Cancer Relief

To obtain a free copy of the Macmillan Black and Minority Ethnic Toolkit- Effective communication with African-Caribbean and African men affected by prostate cancer- Macmillan Resources Line on 01344 350 310.

The Institute of Race Relations is precluded from expressing a corporate view: any opinions expressed are therefore those of the authors.

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