Race & Class, July 2011


The July 2011 issue contains four key articles, leading with ‘What postcolonial theory doesn’t say’ by Neil Lazarus in which he exposes the category error at the heart of the postcolonial studies field – a failure to situate colonialism and imperialism and acknowledge the impact of capitalism and uneven development even as the idea of ‘the West’ is ever dematerialised. He reviews the work of scholars and novelists.

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The July 2011 issue contains four key articles, leading with ‘What postcolonial theory doesn’t say’ by Neil Lazarus in which he exposes the category error at the heart of the postcolonial studies field – a failure to situate colonialism and imperialism and acknowledge the impact of capitalism and uneven development even as the idea of ‘the West’ is ever dematerialised. He reviews the work of scholars and novelists.

Sami Zemni in ‘The shaping of Islam and Islamophobia in Belgium’ discusses how Muslims have been cast by the media and politicians as a threat, at a time when state agencies are trying to mould an official Belgian Islam. Carl-Ulrik Schierup and Aleksandra Ålund show how under the pressures of neoliberalism, managed migration and the ‘securitisation’ that has emerged from the war on terror, Swedish ‘exceptionalism’, in terms of tolerance, welfare and citizenship rights, is being systematically eroded. Julie Hearn and Monica Bergos chart the lessons from a campaign led by Latin American cleaners at the University of London for union recognition, better pay and conditions.


Manning Marable 1950-2011 by Barbara Ransby

What postcolonial theory doesn’t say by Neil Lazarus

The shaping of Islam and Islamophobia in Belgium by Sami Zemni

The end of Swedish exceptionalism? Citizenship, neoliberalism and the politics of exclusion by Carl-Ulrik Schierup and Aleksandra Ålund

Latin American cleaners fight for survival: lessons for migrant activism by Julie Hearn and Monica Bergos


David Edgar’s Testing the Echo by Janelle Reinelt and Gerald Hewitt

From emigrant Spain to immigrant Spain by Felipe Arocena

UK: racial violence and the night-time economy by Jon Burnett


Beyond ‘enemy combatants’: a review article by Liz Fekete

The New Jim Crow: mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness by Michelle Alexander reviewed by Nancy Murray

Waging War in Waziristan: the British struggle in the land of Bin Laden by Andrew M. Roe reviewed by John Newsinger

From Farms to Foundries: an Arab community in industrial Britain by Kevin Searle reviewed by Jenny Bourne

Uneven Encounters: making race and nation in Brazil and the United States by Micol Seigel reviewed by Avery F. Gordon

Review: Dying Empire: US imperialism and global resistance by Francis Shor reviewed by Jerry Harris

Race & Class is published quarterly, in January, April, July and October, by Sage Publications for the Institute of Race Relations; individual subscriptions are £27/$47, for four issues, with an introductory rate of £20/$35 for new subscribers.

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