Against Borders for Children conference

Against Borders for Children conference

First public event for the Against Borders for Children campaign.

  • Saturday 14 January 2017, 12.30-5pm
  • SOAS, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, London WC1H 0XG

Panel discussions and workshops on:

  • The ABC campaign in context: a ‘hostile environment’ for migrants and disappearing data privacy rights
  • What we stand for: imagining conversations about migration in the classroom
  • Where does our children’s data go? Challenging poor data collection by schools
  • Upcoming actions and setting up a local group

Related links

EventBrite listing

Schools ABC website

Schools ABC on Facebook

The event is free but due to limited seating capacity, prior registration via the EventBrite page is recommended. Children are welcome. The venue is wheelchair accessible. If you have any access requirements please email: