- Awaab Ishak and the devaluation of migrant, working-class life by Alexandra Wanjiku Kelbert and Rupinder Parhar
- Sweden’s race to the bottom: advancing a racial security state by Leandro Schclarek Milinari
- On cultural appropriation and cultural transpropriation: a Latin American perspective by Ezequiel Adamovsky
- A city so cold: parking on the streets of public-private predation by Kasey Henricks and Diego Taboada
Interrupting circulations: the politics of infrastructure in contemporary mobilisations for Palestine by Sigrid Corry and Charlotte Rose
- The Black Antifascist Tradition: Fighting Back from Anti-lynching to Abolition by Jeanelle K. Hope and Bill V. Mullen (Cathy Bergin)
- The Little Black Book of the Populist Right by David Edgar and Jon Bloomfield (Louis Ordish)
- One Day, One Day, Congotay by Merle Hodge (Chris Searle)