European Race Bulletin no. 55

‘Asylum: from deterrence to criminalisation’ by Frances Webber draws attention to the threat posed to international conventions by the adoption of a penal framework to prevent the arrival of would-be refugees in Europe and to aid the departure of failed asylum seekers.

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‘Asylum: from deterrence to criminalisation’ by Frances Webber draws attention to the threat posed to international conventions by the adoption of a penal framework to prevent the arrival of would-be refugees in Europe and to aid the departure of failed asylum seekers.

The review, which covers over one hundred cases, examines a number of prosecutions brought against individuals who, through their humanitarianism, have sought to assist asylum seekers or undocumented migrants. Human rights activists, lawyers and religious leaders are among those who have been prosecuted for such innocuous and unthreatening activities as housing the destitute, exposing degrading conditions in detention centres, or advising those under threat of deportation of their legal and civil rights.


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