Save Justice demo

A protest against the Ministry of Justice proposals for legal aid cuts. Tuesday 4 June 2013, 4.30-7.30 Ministry of Justice, 102 Petty France, London SW1H 9AJ Speakers include: Dinah Rose QC Stephen Knafler QC Liberty Nick Armstrong (Matrix) Children’s Society Deepti Patel (Kids Co) Martha Spurrier (Public Law Project) Sue Willman (Deighton Pierce Glynn) Dr

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Jimmy Mubenga: a day in the life of an inquest

IRR News provides a snapshot report from the second day of the inquest in to the death of Jimmy Mubenga[1] which is due to last eight weeks. The day of the inquest started with legal issues and the choosing of the jury. This took some time as potential jurors were read a long list of

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Justice will help Jimmy rest in peace

Below we reproduce the statement given by the wife of Jimmy Mubenga to the inquest into his death. ‘My name is Adrienne Kambana. I am the widow of Jimmy Mubenga and the mother of our five children. [Rolan (19), Kevin (15), Akram (13), Jordan (11) and Blessing (3)]. Jimmy Mubenga was a good father. He

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Fighting school exclusions

Marc Lorenzi explains the work of the Communities Empowerment Network, which helps excluded pupils. Education is in the spotlight. It’s future, in the hands of Education Secretary Gove, is under review. Though the press has widely reported Gove’s assault on the national curriculum, less space has been given to the effects of austerity measures in

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Stop and search: the human face

A public meeting on the impact of police stop and search methods. Wednesday 29 May 2013, 6.30pm PCS (Room 4.4), 160 Falcon Road, London SW11 2LN Related links StopWatch To download the latest StopWatch report, Viewed with suspicion: the human cost of stop and search, click here.

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Save legal aid

A demonstration outside Parliament to save legal aid from government privatisation followed by a rally. Wednesday 22 May 2013 Demonstration at Old Palace Yard, London SW1P 3JY at 10.30am Rally at Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ at 1.30pm Speakers include: Clive Stafford Smith – Reprieve Gerry Conlan – Guildford 4 Dave

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Searchlight 50th anniversary fundraiser

Playwright Tayo Aluko perdorms his new show ‘From Black Africa to the White House’ in a fundraiser for Searchlight magazine. Saturday 1 June 2013, 7pm Theatro Technis, 26 Crowndale Road, London NW1 1TT Related links Searchlight

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Preserving the rule of law

A day of legal seminars on the erosion of civil liberties. Monday 20 May 2013, 6.30-9.30pm Grays Inn, 8 South Square, London WC1R 5ET Speakers: Sir Geoffrey Bindman QC – ‘Why the Governmen’ts attack on the Human Rights Act must be defeated’ Saghir Hussain –  ‘Secret Courts and the Erosion of Due Process’ Toby Cadman

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The medical professional’s role in protecting torture victims

A meeting to discuss the situation in Sri Lanka and the UK. Wednesday 22 May 2012, 17.30-7pm Committee Room 4A, House of Lords, London  SW1A 0PW Speakers: Lord Avebury – Chair Anthony Good – Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Edinburgh Yolanda Foster  – South Asia desk and Sri Lanka expert, Amnesty International Dr

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NCADC training

A training session with the National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC). Saturday 11 May 2013, 10-3pm The Hub, Turl Street, Oxford OX1 3DH

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