News Service


Deaths with a (known or suspected) racial element 2000 – 2013

The IRR has, since 1991, been documenting murders with a suspected or known racial element.* This page lists murders from 2000 onwards. Click here to read about murders from 1991-1999 with a suspected or known racial element.   01/00, Zahid Mubarek, 19, Feltham, West London Zahid was the victim of a racist attack in his

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Application to strike out Abdi Dorre case adjourned

The trial of the two defendants accused of the manslaughter of Abdi Dorre has been delayed today at Leicester Crown Court. The two defendants had sought to present an application to dismiss both cases, though this has now been delayed until early December 2002 to allow more time for their lawyers to present written arguments.

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The IOM and the culture of expulsion

The aftermath of September 11 has been felt in Europe not just in terms of anti-terror legislation, but also in an acceleration of plans to fast-track the expulsion of migrants. And at the centre of any expulsion plans is found the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), a little-known but hugely important international organisation of member

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Anti-immigrant racism gets academic veneer

A new ‘thinktank’, MigrationWatch UK, has claimed that two million foreigners will be settling in Britain. It says much about the English newspaper industry that two men, with nothing more than a website and a set of alarmist figures about immigration to Britain, were able to set the news agenda for several days at the

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Peoples’ security versus national security

According to representatives of Asian NGOs, the War Against Terrorism is legitimising authoritarian regimes and seriously undermining the democratisation effort. Most disturbingly, the US is using the events of September 11 to remilitarise the region and to secure its own economic and strategic interests. At a recent conference, hosted by the Asian Human Rights Commission,

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Tayman Bahmani – racially murdered

Yesterday a young Iranian asylum seeker was racially murdered on the streets of Sunderland. Tayman Bahmani, aged 28, was stabbed at about 3.30pm on Peel Street, Sunderland, and died a few hours later in a local hospital. As yet no one has been arrested for the incident. He had been in the United Kingdom for

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Press Release

No appeasement for the extreme-Right

Stunning successes for European extreme-Right and anti-immigrant parties, particularly in France and the Netherlands, have shocked mainstream political parties and led to a vigorous debate about what should be done. Now, new research from the Institute of Race Relations challenges Tony Blair’s hypothesis that Social Democratic parties in Europe must isolate the extreme-Right by tackling

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An unholy alliance? Racism, religion and communalism

For too long there has been a reluctance to discuss the issue of communalism in British Asian communities. Organised religious groups can be powerful forces and their critics are either accused of ‘washing dirty linen in public’ or denounced for a supposed disloyalty. When those who have spoken out have been women, the denunciations have

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Press Release

IRR expresses concern over excessive sentencing of Bradford rioters

The sentencing policy of the Bradford riot trials is meant to discipline an entire community, rather than reflect the severity of each individual’s actions. The riots that took place in Manningham, Bradford, over the weekend of 7 July, 2001, caused over a million pounds worth of damage and left hundreds of police officers injured. Over

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The death of multiculturalism

The official response to the summer 2001 riots in the northern towns of the UK is now taking shape. December saw the publication of the Cantle report [1], titled Community Cohesion, which defines the government’s strategy for maintaining order in those towns. [2] At the same time, Home Secretary Blunkett announced that the government was

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