News Service

Better care for asylum seekers with HIV

The National AIDS Trust (NAT) has welcomed a decision by the National Asylum Support Service (NASS) to amend its policy on the dispersal of asylum seekers with healthcare needs. In a recent report, NAT highlights the problem that dispersal brings in terms of healthcare needs of asylum seekers with HIV and welcome the December 2005

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Return to Kirkuk

In this interview, Karzan Sherabayani, a Kurdish actor and filmmaker, says why he returned to the Kurdish region of Iraq to make his latest film and what he and other Iraqi Kurds think about the recent forced deportations to Iraq. Tim: When you made Karzan’s Brothers – Escape from the Safe Haven in the mid-1990s,

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Coalition against deportations to Iraq

On 11 January 2006, a coalition was formed to stop forced deportations of Iraqi and Kurdish asylum seekers to Iraq. The group included the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees, Green Party, National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns, Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers, Campaign Against Criminalising Communities, Organisation of Kurdish Women-Britain and the Campaign to Stop Deportation

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Racial profiling and anti-terror stop and search

Amid growing public concern about stop and search powers under terror laws and the challenge by Liberty in the High Court over their misuse, Arun Kundnani examines some of the key issues in the debate. The new powers introduced under the Terrorism Act Under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (1984) stops could only be

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‘Life Without Fear’

A new campaign for the rights of Iranian asylum seekers in the UK has been launched. The International Federation of Iranian Refugees in the UK has launched a campaign against the British government’s policy of deporting asylum seekers to Iran. The organisation believes that Iran is unsafe for return and an immediate stop should be

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‘My life doesn’t belong to me anymore’

Innocent Nkung, a 35-year-old asylum seeker from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), suffered such homophobic and political persecution that he had to flee the DRC and is now fighting to stay in the UK after his asylum claim was refused. Innocent, who has a background in campaigning on human rights issues had been arrested

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World stage involved in anti-deportation drama

A campaign to save a mother and her two children from deportation has broadened its appeal by seeking support on an international scale and enlisting the help of Coronation Street actress Julie Hesmondhalgh. Samina Altaf and her two children, Aqsa, 12 and Sumama, 6, fled their native Pakistan following incidences of domestic violence and sought

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Detainees punished for protesting after suicide

Asylum detainees at Harmondsworth immigration removal centre have been punished for protesting against conditions there after the suicide of an Eritrean asylum seeker. On 19 January 2006, Bereket Yohannes, a 26-year-old Eritrean asylum seeker was found hanged in a shower block at Harmondsworth – the first death of a detained asylum seeker this year. According

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No justice without equality

Lord Herman Ouseley, the former chair of the Commission for Racial Equality, explains his misgivings about the new Commission for Equalities and Human Rights. The Equalities Bill has just been through parliament and will be enacted shortly. Its main provision is to create a new Commission for Equalities and Human Rights (CEHR) and abolish the

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Understanding the riots in France

Excerpts from ‘France: the riots and the Republic’ an article which will be published in Race & Class, April, 2006. It is France’s Hurricane Katrina. The recent uprising (November 2005) of disenchanted youths that swept across France left parts of the country damaged and shocked. The government saw fit to invoke a state of emergency

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